Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation Provides Lab Infrastructure to Local Life Science Company Future Fields


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Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation (API) provides researchers and startups with expertise, services, and infrastructure support to help innovators launch their ideas into the real world. When Future Fields, a fast-growing life science company out of the Edmonton region, approached API with a request for support, the company was happy to oblige.

Over the past year, Future Fields has been featured in a number of publications and competitions, gaining notoriety for their innovative work with custom growth media solutions for the cellular agriculture industry. According to Future Fields, their work utilizes breakthroughs in genetics, tissue engineering, synthetic biology, and medicine to create new products that are indistinguishable from traditional agriculture products, requiring use of life science lab equipment. 

To support the company’s growth and research, Future Fields enlisted API to provide local lab infrastructure. API works closely with pharmaceutical and life science companies in drug research and development, and the organization’s facilities were a natural fit to meet the needs of Future Fields’s work. Use of API’s facilities will enable Future Fields to continue its mission to provide custom growth media solutions for the cellular growth industry at disruptive costs.

API is pleased to provide a local solution to an Alberta-based company. Finding local access to framework and facilities that support commercial success is an essential component to offering further opportunities for economic growth in Alberta. This enables Alberta-made solutions to stay and grow in Alberta.